Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our culture and the food that comes with it...

       I am your average Mexican American woman, born and raised in Southern California. Fluent in English without the slightest knowledge of the spanish language, with the exception of the basics; hola, como estas; and curse words, no examples needed. I live with my grandparents while I work and attend beauty college. I have a 4 year old son and a husband currently in prison. Seems a little stereotypical right!?
        Growing up, I was always in or around the kitchen, watching my grandma, my mom, my aunts and cousins cook up a feast for 40 people, even if there were just 6 of us, there was always enough left over to take to big grandma. After every meal I would think to myself, we should open up our own restaurant, not that I was doing any of the cooking, but my love for food and seeing the satisfaction on all the other people's faces that would be trying our families food for the first time was good enough for me to try to convince someone that we needed our own place to serve this delicious food, not to just family and friends but to the whole community.
        Now normally Mexican families never like to share their recipes outside of the family, but in this case, if opening a restaurant of our own to share these dishes is not an option...the next best thing would have to be sharing the recipes right!? So, I have decided to make this blog with the intention of giving thousands or millions of people the opportunity to experience the best Mexican American food in Southern California, the experience to have the feeling of family and love and friendship that I had growing up because when there was food involved those three things always came along with it.

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